Welcome to Ask a Web Geek

Special Event

Ask A Web Geek is a Podcast, YouTube channel & FB Live in which CJ dons his Web Safari hat and attempts to answer your every question about websites, marketing, online tools, technology and more!

Let’s Learn LinkedIn

Welcome to a very special edition of Ask a Web Geek! In this private training, CJ teaches about using LinkedIn for your business and professional endeavors! He presents some key concepts about social media in general, and then goes into more information about using LinkedIn specifically: How to Craft your Profile, Best Practices, Using the Advanced Search filters, and top tips and action steps to move forward!

Episode 200325    |    01:12:40

Show Notes & Resources:

I found it!  The “website link” we were looking for is under “Contact info”! This is just a plain ol’ two-word text link that shows up at the top of your profile, right under your NAME and HEADLINE!

AND even though we lost some slides during the show (LOL)…
I included them ALL in this download (PDF)…Please help yourself!

Here are a few more resources that could help you…

» CJ’s FREE Video Workshop – “Make your Website Work for You!”

» CJ’s Video Podcast – “Ask A Web Geek”

» CJ’s Blog

» More Recommended Resources


Please let me know if you have ANY questions or if I can support you in any other way!

(call or text ok)

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